
Machine Vision + Automation for Data Collection
​High speed, Industrial Automation & Integration Ready
Standard Design platforms – Huron, Tigris, Miyake,Fujin
Upgrade existing solutions – Reclaim your assets including Robots & Cobots, digitize them with AI
Integrate with existing industrial automation – Seamlessly transition processes with minimal interruption
Special purpose machines – Choose the solution that best fits your product and people requirement
Our Products
A revolutionary solution designed to detect anomalies in complex products that need in-depth inspection.​
Whether it be Automobile machine parts, Pharma products, Electronic circuit boards, or generic machine tools, Huron can detect defects and anomalies in your products with a speed of 250 parts per minute – and an accuracy rate of at least 98%​
It consists of an integrated unit with machine vision and automation to ensure you get the most complete image of the defined defect.​
This unit is customised to your product type, complexity in shape, size and nature of defects, production volume, and fits in seamlessly on the production line – In process as well as end of line.​
You can even integrate the Huron to another process machine.
How It Works:
The Huron uses multiple cameras to scan all visible aspects of your product.
Creates a digital twin – an elaborate 3D model of the product.
Leverages imaging algorithms to get maximum clarity.
It then maps the 3D twin to the artificial intelligence model created to make the decision.​
The Huron can review a wide range of parts weighing between 10 grams and 300 grams. And works at a speed of up to 4 parts a second, that is up to 250 complex parts in just a minute with an accuracy of 98%!
What Do You Get?
100% visual inspection plus faster processes that lead to increased manufacturing
Higher accuracy which means reduction in returns and a rise in customer satisfaction
Productivity increase and more revenue
A state-of-the-art automated cognitive quality control solution, that is designed specifically for the inspection of flat, lightweight parts.​
Tigris’ custom-made architecture consists of a twin linear conveyor system, packed with cameras, lights, and PC. The conveyor model enables the flipping of parts, allowing both surfaces, top and bottom of a product to be analysed.​​
The unit uses multiple cameras to capture high definition images of the product on the belt and maps them to an exhaustive list of defects that we create with the help of your SME. This is done with the help of – Kompass – our patented AI based visual inspection platform.​
Tigris is a scalable , modular architecture that is easy to adopt; for it fits in seamlessly into your production sequence – in process or end of line.
Combining the power of artificial intelligence with automation, Tigris can detect upto 120 products in a minute – with an accuracy rate of atleast 98%
In other words Tigris is your SME’s intelligence, reproduced at scale, at speed so that you can achieve the highest defect accuracy rate ever
A cost effective visual inspection automation for a more streamlined and faster quality check process.
Miyake allows for an object to be individually reviewed, through manual loading and unloading of parts.
The multiple camera set-up with a product frame tray can hold, and inspect, multiple part units – providing a decision on each individual part for the operator to act on. -
The counting or inspection of parts is fully automated through machine vision. Our proprietary artificial intelligence based defect detection and analytics software, Kompass, gives accurate results despite manual intervention of loading and operations.
Miyake is most suitable for selective checking with sufficient cycle time for inspection. It cuts short tedious procedures undertaken by quality managers, reducing employee fatigue, and increases defect detection accuracy.
A two-axis inspection table designed to detect small, minute defects in flat products that need inspection on top and bottom surfaces.
Fujin can be suitable in Electronics industry for Printed Circuit Boards, in Automobile industry for Airbags inspection, for machining tools inspection and for the textile industry as well.
Depending on the component size and the requirements, Fujin can detect defects and anomalies in products with a speed of 3 to 5 parts per minute – and an accuracy rate of at least 98%​.
The two axis (X & Y) motion of the inspection table can be designed to be used in two ways: 1) to move the product in front of stationary cameras or 2) to move the camera across the length and width of a stationary component.
The movement is designed to ensure the highest resolution possible image is taken on a limited field of view on the component so that even very small defects on the order of 0.1 mm on a 500 mm large product can also be captured reliably.
Fujin is an end to end integrated unit with machine vision and automation to ensure the most complete image of the defined defect at a very high resolution.
This unit is customised to your product type, complexity in shape, size and nature of defects, production volume, and fits in seamlessly on the production line – for in-process as well as end of line inspections.
How It Works:
Fujin can have camera setup on the top as well as the bottom of a table to scan all visible aspects of your product.
The product is presented in front of the cameras to take images of specific zones so that the resolution per mm on the product is maximized while having limited number of cameras.
The movement of the inspection table is driven by servo motors.
The multiple images that are grabbed are used to creates a digital twin – a complete view of the product.
Leverages imaging algorithms to get maximum clarity.
It then maps the digital twin to the artificial intelligence model created to make the decision.
What Do You Get?
100% visual inspection plus faster processes that lead to increased manufacturing
Focused inspection for small defects on typically large products
Higher accuracy which means reduction in returns and a rise in customer satisfaction